Welcome to The Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC)

Starting in 2024, BCLA will be undertaking a comprehensive, thoughtful review of our Intellectual Freedom Statement. The Board knows this is an important topic for our sector, and that our members are looking to BCLA for support and opportunities for learning and engagement about intellectual freedom. BCLA has restructured the Intellectual Freedom Committee to support the review of the BCLA Intellectual Freedom Statement.

Revised IFC Terms of Reference, approved December 2023

Committee Mandate

The BCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) will carry out the review of the BCLA Intellectual Freedom Statement and make recommendations to the BCLA Board, guided by the Association’s constitution, bylaws, mission, vision, and values.

The ultimate approval of and responsibility for the BCLA Intellectual Freedom Statement resides with the BCLA Board.

Committee Objectives

1. Review the current BCLA Intellectual Freedom Statement and make recommendations for revisions
2. Provide opportunities for BCLA members to provide input and/or feedback as part of the Statement review

Committee Members

Membership call in progress


Intellectual Freedom Committee Contact Form

Join the Conversation

Check out what everyone is discussing over on the forum BCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee here. Must be a member of BCLA or a forum member to view & discuss.