Anti-racism Committee

BCLA Anti-racism Committee Terms of Reference, approved March 15, 2024

Committee Mandate

The BCLA Anti-racism Committee (ArC) will guide and inform BCLA’s work to become an anti-racist organization by advising the Executive Director and making policy recommendations to the BCLA Board, guided by the Association’s constitution, bylaws, mission, vision, and values.

The Committee is focused on anti-racism within the Association, and in doing so influences the larger library community.

BCLA’s ongoing work is grounded in our values and guided by principles of anti-racism including:

  • Identifying and examining racism on a systemic, cultural, individual, and institutional level,
  • Challenging underlying and normalized belief systems that uphold racism,
  • Encouraging direct action on individual and collective levels,
  • Developing an action plan to actively redress racism within our organization.

The ultimate approval of and responsibility for BCLA strategic direction and actions resides with the BCLA Board.

Committee Objectives

  1. Recommend prioritization of the recommendations for the BCLA Current Assessment Report
  2. Identify additional recommendations as needed.

Committee Members

More information about the committee members can be found on the Anti-racism Committee Members page. The BCLA Board appointed a co-chair from the Board, and the other co-chair was selected by the committee members.

Ignacio Albarracin, BCLA Director at Large, Committee Co-chair
Shideh Taleban, Committee Co-chair

Ann Johannes, BCLA Director at Large
Caroline Dick
Karleen Delaurier-Lyle
Kisun Kim
Maia Sinegal
Mar González Palacios, BCLA Director at Large
Sajni Lacey, BCLA Treasurer
Sunita Lakhanpal
Tracey Therrien, BCLA President
Rina Hadziev, BCLA Executive Director (ex officio)


Anti-racism Committee Contact Form

Join the Conversation

Updates on the work of the Anti-racism Committee will be shared on the General Discussion Forum. Must be a member of BCLA or a forum member to view & discuss.