Frequently Asked Questions

I've submitted my Expression of Interest form. What happens next?

Once the Expression of Interest period closes and the Mentorship Committee confirms we have a balanced number of mentors and mentees, the pairing process begins with assistance from our matching software called Pollinate, which is a Canadian-based mentorship program. Pollinate will then email you a more detailed intake form to better understand your interests and skills and help us determine a good match.

You and your mentorship partner will be sent an email of introduction and instructions on how to best utilize Pollinate as a communication hub, which includes a section for resources. If you have any questions about this process, please email us.

Do I need to fill-in both the intake survey and Knowledge Transfer Index survey?

When you receive an email from Pollinate, our mentorship platform, it will include an invite to fill-in the intake survey, which helps match the mentors and mentees based on shared interests, goals, and skills. This survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

And then, there’s an additional Knowledge Transfer Index (KTI) survey which provides further insight into your style of learning, instruction, and leadership. This report enhances the match and should prove to be informative, so we highly recommend filling-in both forms. The KTI survey takes up to 20 minutes to fill in.

It is recommended to fill-in both, to ensure a match that’s not only based on career-related interests but learning and leadership styles.

I received a report of my future match and think there may be a mistake. What should I do?

Our partners at Pollinate utilize your survey and Knowledge Transfer Index survey to create a match on a variety of interests, styles, and skills, but there are still subtleties in the library field that might mean your match report needs reassessment.

If you are concerned, please email the BCLA Mentorship committee in a timely manner, who will explain the discrepancy to the Pollinate support team and aim to conduct a re-match before the program is in full-swing.  

What do I do if I cannot complete the mentorship program?

Life happens. Sometimes there’s a change in career or a family emergency, and your plans need to be altered.

  • If you are a mentee and must end the mentorship program unexpectedly, please communicate this with your mentor, and email the BCLA Mentorship committee.
  • If you are a mentor and must end the mentorship program unexpectedly, please alert the Pollinate support team who will work to find a new match for your mentee. As well, please communicate the change to your mentee, and email the BCLA Mentorship committee.

Join the Conversation

Check out what everyone is discussing over on the forum BCLA Mentorship Committee here. Must be a member of BCLA or a forum member to view & discuss.