Constitution and Bylaws


1. Name The name of the Section of the British Columbia Library Association is the Young Adult and Children’s Services Section (YAACS).

2. Purpose:
To foster connection and collaboration between library staff, students, and those who have an interest in young adult and children’s services in BC libraries; and seek to address the shared and distinct needs and interests of different communities.

3. Objectives:

1. To promote the development of qualitative and quantitative standards of library service to children in British Columbia; To promote awareness of and interest in library services to children/young adults, and the role of children’s specialists within the library community; to encourage the professional growth of library personnel involved in children’s services:

2. To provide a forum for discussion about trends, issues, and challenges in young adult and children’s library services.

3. To facilitate the sharing of ideas, techniques and methods that have proven successful in delivery of library services to young adults and children in BC libraries by establishing regular channels of communication within the community of children’s library personnel and by gathering for publication articles, information, and materials of relevance to children’s services.

4. To provide a range of professional development opportunities and resources for library staff, students, and those who have an interest in young adult and children’s services in BC libraries.

5. To promote relevant continuing education programs and other opportunities through association with BCLA.

6. To maintain efficient and effective use of funds required in support of these goals.


The activities of the Young Adult and Children’s Services Section must be in accordance with the provisions of the Society Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c.390, the Constitution and By-laws of the British Columbia Library Association, and the policies and procedures of the Association as established by the Board of Directors.

1. Membership Membership in YAACS shall be open to any member in good standing of the British Columbia Library Association.

2. Section Officers The officers of YAACS shall consist of the President, Incoming President, Past President, YAACING Editor(s), and Continuing Education Coordinator. Liaisons may also be appointed to facilitate communication with various related organizations.

3. Terms of Office

3.1 The Incoming President shall be elected and shall serve a three (3) year term: the first year after election as Incoming President, the second year as President, and the third year as Past President.

    1. A call for nominations will be put out on the YAACS forum, YAACS web page, and social media platforms one month before the election and remain open for one week.
    2. Elections shall be conducted via secret ballot.
    3. In elections where the number of eligible nominees at the close of the nomination period is one, then the eligible nominee is deemed to be elected by acclamation and no vote will be required.
    4. Voting by proxy is permissible but must be approved by the President at least one week prior to elections.

3.2 The YAACING Editor and the Coordinator positions will be filled by sending out a call for Expression of Interest and will be awarded through a volunteer application process.

3.3 The term of office for all other officers shall be one year.

3.4 The Section officers shall hold office until the ASM each year, or until their successors are elected or appointed, whichever is the later date.

3.5 A retiring member of the Section officers shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment.

3.6 At the discretion of the President, any person ceasing to be a member in good standing of the Association shall also cease to be a Section officer.

3.7 A section office shall be declared vacant upon:

    1. written notice of resignation delivered to the President;
    2. petition of removal to the President from YAACS Section officers;
    3. the death of an officer

3.8 The Section Officers may fill vacancies by appointment, such appointees to act until the next Annual Section Meeting.

4. Duties of Section Officers

4.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Section at which they are present. The President, or designate, shall serve as a Director on the Association Board of Directors. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all YAACS committees.

4.2 The Incoming President shall assist the President in their duties and preside at the Section meeting in the absence of the President. They shall in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the power of the President.

4.3 The Incoming President shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings of the Section, and for the safe custody of all such minutes. Minutes of meetings shall be circulated to the Section officers and the Association Board of Directors.

4.4 The YAACING Editor(s) shall be responsible for the publication of the YAACING newsletter at least three (3) times per year.

4.5 The Website & Social Media Administrator shall be responsible for submitting publicity materials and notices of YAACS events through the established channels of the Association.

4.6 The Liaisons shall be responsible to facilitate communication between various related organizations and the YAACS Executive.

5. Meetings

5.1 Meetings of YAACS officers shall be held at least quarterly. Only YAACS officers may cast a vote at these meetings. A quorum shall consist of never less than three of the Section officers.

5.2 An Annual Section Meeting shall be held, usually in conjunction with the Youth Services Institute. A quorum shall consist of 10% of the active YAACS members present, but never less than three (3) members. Notice of the time and place of the Annual Section Meeting shall be given by the Section officers to all YAACS members at least one (1) month prior to the meeting. Only active YAACS members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at an Annual Section Meeting.

6. Amendments Amendments must be submitted to and receive approval of the Association Board of Directors.

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Check out what everyone is discussing over on the forum BCLA Young Adult and Children’s Services here. Must be a member of BCLA or a forum member to view & discuss.