Welcome to the first issue of Perspectives in 2021: The Remote Work Technology Issue! While the end of the pandemic is starting to be visible on the horizon (fingers crossed!), many of us are still working from home, with all of the challenges that come with that. For...
BCLA Perspectives

Issue 1: The Remote Work Issue
Building dynamic teams remotely
Introduction This article outlines the technological lessons learned about effective remote work by a group of new information professionals employed as Young Canada Works Interns. As key team members of UVic Libraries’ British Columbia Historical Textbooks digital...
Developing New Outreach Connections in a Virtual Environment
Introduction The Library Live and on Tour (LiLi) service at Fraser Valley Regional Library (FRVL) remains in touch with the community during the pandemic, allowing it to develop outreach connections in the virtual environment. LiLi’s librarian, the Community...
The Digitization of Course Archives Workflows at Alexander College Library
Introduction Alexander College (AC) is a small private college that offers two-year associate degrees for international students. The College is mandated by the Ministry of Advanced Education to collect Course Archives (CA) which are records of courses taught at the...
Gender Diversity and Libraries
Introduction Many forms of diversity are important to consider in a library context. Diversity of gender identity and expression are only recently being included more often in discussions of diversity in libraries, and so certain terminology may be unfamiliar to...
Getting to Know…Annelise Dowd
Annelise Dowd is a settler of Norwegian and Scottish descent and is currently the Access Services Librarian at the University of Northern British Columbia, located on the unceded traditional territory of the Lheidli T'enneh (Prince George). Annelise came to UNBC after...
Remote Communication Structures to Foster Community Amongst Staff and Patrons
As part of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Library network, the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) provides educational resources, spaces for study and research, and academic and technology support services. As Learning Services Librarian (Alexandra)...
Rural and Remote Librarian Profiles: Laura Kaminker
Laura Kaminker is the first librarian in her position on northern Vancouver Island at the Vancouver Island Regional Library serving the communities of Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Port Alice, Sointula, and Woss. Based out of Port Hardy she oversees the five libraries...
Rural Librarians as Seekers and Sowers of Information
Rural librarians and library workers operate on a smaller scale to achieve the same objectives as librarians working in larger urban systems: to meet the information needs of the communities they serve and to remain relevant, contributing members of library...