Hello Vancouver Island YAACSers,
We are excited to be offering our second professional development workshop for library staff working with youth on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Library students are welcome as well.
Uken Do It! is a beginner ukulele workshop for children’s librarians and library staff. Instructor Sam Rowlandson-O’Hara (SSIPL) will cover the basics of playing the ukulele and incorporating the uke into children’s programs, as well as offering resources for further learning. The workshop is aimed towards absolute beginners, although those with previous ukulele experience are welcome to join as well.
The workshop will run at the Nanaimo Harbourfront branch of Vancouver Island Regional Library from 10:00-5:00 on Monday, August 20th.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn a few chords, practice some songs for use in programs, and may even have a chance to write and perform a song of their own. After lunch we will have an around the table time to share ideas for music-based programs and talk about music programs we have run or would like to run—bring your program ideas!
Please see the attached poster for more information. If you have any questions, or to RSVP, please email Kate at [email protected].
Refreshments will be provided; please bring a $5 donation for snacks if you are able, and bring a brown bag lunch. Bring your own ukulele, or there are a limited number of rentals available—please talk to Kate for more details about uke renatals.
Hope to see you there!
Nikky McCarvill (SSIPL) and Kate Wood (GVPL)
YAACS Vancouver Island Professional Development Coordinators