YAACS Quarterly Meeting – Dec 5th, 2016 @ 7pm ***UPDATED***

Dec 5th @ 7pm


The in-person portion of this meeting is cancelled due to the weather. You can attend by PHONE OR GOOGLE CHAT ONLY.

Calling in: dial toll-free 1-877-216-4736 and enter conference code 2446401892

Google Hangout: if you have a Gmail address send an email to [email protected] to let her know you’d like to participate through a hangout and she will invite you, providing the internet cooperates!

Sept 19th minutes

Dec 5th’s silent agenda (this includes committee reports, so that we don’t need to spend time recounting them at the meeting)


Join the Conversation

Check out what everyone is discussing over on the forum BCLA Young Adult and Children’s Services here. Must be a member of BCLA or a forum member to view & discuss.