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Register for the BCLA 2024 AGM

The BC Library Association is pleased to announce its upcoming virtual Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, June 19 at 6pm.

Registration is open until Sunday, June 16 at midnight. You must be a BCLA member to attend the AGM. If you are unsure of your membership status, please check online by logging in to your account or emailing BCLA Manager Angie Ayupova.

After you register, your membership will be confirmed, and you will be sent a Zoom invitation that includes a link to the AGM package (agenda and supporting materials).

To enable proxy voting, we have created a form that allows a member to vote on all the motions prior to the AGM.  The proxy form, with the votes, is assigned to a BCLA Board Member, who acts as the proxy, following the instructions on the proxy form.  The proxy form, with all the motions, is now available. Proxy forms must be completed and received by Sunday, June 16 at midnight to be counted at the AGM.

The following resolution has been proposed and will be presented at the meeting:

Title: Including Environmental Sustainability and Justice in BCLA’s Values Statement

Whereas BCLA has made a climate emergency declaration, included climate action in its priorities, and adopted the BCLA Climate Action Statement: Essential Climate Justice Responsibilities in the Library Sector;

Whereas environmental sustainability and climate justice are being increasingly incorporated into library association value statements;

Whereas climate change impacts libraries, communities, library planning and preparation work, and climate action is a necessary part of the work of libraries;

Be it resolved that BCLA adopt and include environmental sustainability and justice as part of its Values Statements. The value would read as:

Environmental Sustainability and Justice — BCLA promotes action on climate change and environmental sustainability, and recognizes the interdependence between climate, ecosystem health, diverse forms of knowledge,
and the long-term health of all communities.

If you have any questions about the upcoming AGM, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 BCLA Annual General Meeting!