The Library Marketplace
An online store for the Canadian library community, The Library Marketplace offers a broad range of products:
- topical resources for information service and library professionals, including books published by ALA and ABC-Clio
- collections of fun bookish merchandise, everything from clothes to gifts, stickers to posters, and much more
When you make a purchase from The Library Marketplace, run by the Ontario Library Association, a portion of the proceeds comes back to support BCLA.
A Donation Certificate
A donation to BCLA is the perfect gift for the person on your list who loves libraries! Make a donation in honour of someone and receive a personalized Donation Certificate to send them.
Mission Control Trading Card Game
Mission Control is a game of skill, strategy, and luck!
Mission Control provides 3 levels of play for different ages and abilities, from a colour-based matching game to a complex strategy game.
Players will utilize skills in math, reading, puzzle-solving and decision-making, while learning about space and exploring our universe. Each player requires a deck. Exciting, challenging and fun!
Mission Control is a Trading Card Game published by BC Library Association.