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BCLA Store

Ad for The Library Marketplace, with the tagline " A Shop for Book Lovers" and literary themed socks, lapel pins, magnet, soap, puzzle, and lunch box notes.

The Library Marketplace

An online store for the Canadian library community, The Library Marketplace offers a broad range of products:

  • topical resources for information service and library professionals, including books published by ALA and ABC-Clio
  • collections of fun bookish merchandise, everything from clothes to gifts, stickers to posters, and much more

When you make a purchase from The Library Marketplace, run by the Ontario Library Association, a portion of the proceeds comes back to support BCLA.

Certificate of Donation

A Donation Certificate

A donation to BCLA is the perfect gift for the person on your list who loves libraries! Make a donation in honour of someone and receive a personalized Donation Certificate to send them.

Mission Control Trading Card Game
Mission Control Trading Card Deck

Mission Control Trading Card Game

Mission Control is a game of skill, strategy, and luck!

Mission Control provides 3 levels of play for different ages and abilities, from a colour-based matching game to a complex strategy game.

Players will utilize skills in math, reading, puzzle-solving and decision-making, while learning about space and exploring our universe. Each player requires a deck. Exciting, challenging and fun!

Mission Control is a Trading Card Game published by BC Library Association.