BCLA members find opportunities to explore their interests through the Association’s Sections, Committees, and Interest Groups (SCIGs). SCIGs represent some of the most current thinking and debate on overarching library issues. BCLA encourages member participation in SCIGs to compliment experiences in the work environment, provide perspectives and opinions on diverse subjects, and add to the diversity and strength of the Association.
- Anti-racism Committee
- Accessibility Interest Group (currently inactive)
- BC Academic Libraries Section
- Cataloguing & Technical Services Interest Group
- Climate Action Committee
- Community-Led Interest Group
- First Nations Interest Group
- Intellectual Freedom Committee
- Information Policy Committee
- Libraries Across Borders Interest Group (currently inactive)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Interest Group
- Library Technicians and Assistants Section
- Mentorship Committee
- Multicultural Services Interest Group
- Public Library Communicators Interest Group
- Public Libraries Interest Group
- Readers’ Advisory Interest Group (currently inactive)
- Young Adults and Children’s Section