BCLA’s engagement with and commitment to climate action is grounded in the Climate Emergency Declaration resolution passed by the Association membership in 2020. The climate emergency is impacting libraries and the communities they serve in BC: from providing resources and programming to inform and connect people of all ages around climate issues, to providing shelter from extreme temperatures due to heat domes and arctic outflows, to rebuilding from floods and fires.
BCLA’s Climate Action Statement
BCLA Climate Action Statement: Essential Climate Justice Responsibilities in the Library Sector
Resources and Initiatives
BCLA becomes signatory to BC Climate Emergency Campaign
In 2023, on the recommendation of the BCLA Climate Action Committee, BCLA became a signatory to the BC Climate Emergency Campaign, which is putting pressure on the BC government to confront the climate emergency and commit to ten climate actions. In 2021, the Campaign sent an open letter to the BC government, with the support of 200 organizational signatories. It has now surpassed 540 organizational signatories, which includes a diverse network of agriculture, arts, business, community, environment, faith, health, housing, Indigenous, labour, local government, outdoor recreation, research, senior, tourism, and youth organizations.
Resolution to CFLA for a National Climate Action Committee
In October 2022, BCLA and the Ontario Library Association (OLA) brought forward a joint resolution to the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) requesting the creation of a national Climate Action Committee. This resolution was put forward in recognition of the need for federal advocacy and coordination on climate issues and libraries. This committee will complement the work of provincial/territorial association committees and seek opportunities to address issues with a national focus, including advocacy at a Federal Government level through budget requests and meetings with government officials. It will also provide an interprovincial lens on how the climate crisis both impacts and is affected by our industry.
Climate Action Week
Initiated and led by the Climate Action Committee, BCLA partnered with libraries on the first ever BC Libraries Climate Action Week (Friday Sept 23 – Thursday Sept 29, 2022) to focus on the climate change related challenges and emergencies facing our communities. Our goal was to raise awareness, answer our communities’ growing needs, and articulate clearly that libraries are places to connect people and access resources on climate change. The intention is that this will be an annual happening.
British Columbia Library Association Submission to the Government of British Columbia Consultation on the Draft Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy
In August 2021, BCLA put forward a Submission to the Government of British Columbia Consultation on the provincial draft Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy.
BCLA would like to thank Helen Brown and Lisa Nathan, Co-Chairs of the newly formed BCLA Climate Action Committee, for their work on this submission.
BCLA Submission-BC Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy Consultation
BCLA Climate Action Committee
In August 2021, the BCLA Climate Action Committee was formed, resulting from the Climate Emergency Declaration resolution passed by the Association membership in 2020. They welcome everyone to join the conversation in the forum and attend their monthly Zoom planning meetings (3rd Friday every month, 12-1 PM).