Home 5 Training & Resources 5 External Opportunities

External Opportunities

BCLA recognizes that there are a range of library associations, organizations, consultants, and companies offering professional development training for library workers or on topics related to BCLA priorities. We are providing this list of suggested external resources to guide and support BC library staff seeking specific training and coursework, or simply wanting to explore other possibilities.

Your Library Federation may also be offering professional development opportunities at a reduced cost or for free.

General Library Topics


The Education Institute (EI)

The Education Institute (EI) is coordinated by the Ontario Library Association for The Partnership, Canada’s national network of provincial and territorial library associations; through BCLA’s participation in The Partnership, BCLA members are eligible to attend EI events at reduced member rates. On-going series have included “Leadership and Management” and “Library Space Design” with an average price of $110 CAD per event.


Librarianship.ca is a one-stop shop website that features news, articles, resources and events relevant for library workers in Canada. The events page is a listing of conferences and workshops in Canada, United States and select international events outside of North America. There’s an additional page focused on “Awareness and Promotional Events” related to monthly themes and days such as Family Literacy Day and Freedom to Read Week.

Ontario Library Service - Certificate Program

The Ontario Library Service provides two certificate programs called EXCEL (a distance education program to develop core skills in public library service) and APLL (a 2-year certificate program to advance the leadership capacity of public library CEOS and managers) along with individual events and on-demand courses through the LearnHQ platform. An event is typically $56 CAD, while a course is $170 CAD.

Library Toolshed

The Library Toolshed is an online, open-source content-sharing platform for information professionals. Hosted by the BC Library Cooperative, the Toolshed is a place to share, access, and comment on training, instructional, and programming resources created by library staff.

The platform began as a collaborative initiative supported by The Alberta Library, Saskatchewan’s Multitype Library Board, the Manitoba Public Library Services Branch, and The Association of BC Public Library Directors (ABCPLD). 


American Library Association (ALA)

Explore the American Library Association (ALA) eLearning Catalog for courses, webinars, and customized content for library workers in all types of libraries. The catalog is substantial, so consider searching by month / year. You can also select free events only, and browse by event format and subject such as Advocacy, EDI, Cataloguing, Intellectual Freedom, Marketing, Programming, Records Management, etc. To register you must create an ALA account and login to the ALA website. There is member and non-member pricing in USD, which is typically $79 USD per event.

  • There is a separate ALA website for programmers called Programming Librarian, which has recorded events and occasional webinars.
  • For upcoming ALA conference and Core eForum events for leaders, review the ALA Events page.


Library 2.0

Library 2.0 offers webinars, recordings, and conferences hosted by leading experts in the field. There is an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence (including an on-going virtual conference series that is free in collaboration with SJSU), mental health & wellness, EDI, safety and security, including very specific patron interactions, challenges, and emergencies. There are also workshops for more day-to-day needs like coaching skills and performance evaluations.

With the exception of the AI conference, a one-hour training is typically $99 USD.

Library Journal

Beyond book reviews and library news, Library Journal offers a wealth of online courses, virtual events and webcasts. While the content has a U.S. focus, the range of topics is impressive. For example: How to Build Effective Work Relationships, Equity-Centred Library Leadership, Library De-escalation Training, How to Build and Defend Inclusive Collections, Inclusive Cataloguing, Creating Safer Libraries, Marketing and Outreach Strategies, etc.

Rates for 2-hour sessions are $90-100 USD with early bird discounts, group discounts for 3 or more attendees.

Library Juice Academy

Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development courses for librarians, archivists, and other staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills providing certificates in Cataloging, Digital Curation, Disability Access & Inclusion, Diversity & Inclusion, Early Childhood Literacy, Library Instruction, Library Leadership & Management, Systems, User Experience, and more. Explore the course topics here.

Contact your Library Federation Director as some BC libraries may receive a discount when registering through their Federation.


NoveList focuses on training related to reader’s advisory, engaging with patrons, marketing to library users, and navigating genres in their course catalog. A course tends to involve one or two recorded lessons, followed by a live session where you can choose from a selection of upcoming dates. For example, “Actively Anti-Racist Service to Readers” includes a recording on collection development, then service to readers, then a live class.

The average cost for a course is $199 USD.

Niche Academy

Niche Academy offers two or three online webinars and workshops each month for Academic and Public libraries, with broader topics related to Learning & Development to better understand different types of learners with the option to receive the recording if you cannot attend the live event. Niche Academy requires a monthly fee for one’s library or library system to access their tutorials, including many that are free.


International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)

The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) hosts an annual conference that tends to attract library leaders and CEOs, but there are plenty of webinars throughout the year on current topics with global experts that could inspire your team. Strategies around Climate Action, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Censorship, Open Access, Copyright, etc.

Webinars offered by IFLA tend to be free of charge, but time zones make some events challenging to attend live, so do register in advance to receive a recording when available.

WebJunction (OCLC)

WebJunction (in affiliation with OCLC, which is a worldwide, member-driven organization) offers webinars and courses that are free and accessible, live and on demand. The offerings are substantial, so explore their main Topic Areas headings to narrow your focus. Or go direct to their Course Catalog and discover sessions like “Supercharged Storytimes,” “From Burnout to Balance,” “AI and Libraries,” “Climate Action Programming,” “Designing for Diversity in Your Library’s Communications.” Sessions tend to be 90 minutes in length with webinar recordings, and related resources and links are often listed within each course description.

Cost = Free

Specific Topics

AIDE Canada's Autism Awareness for Librarians

AIDE Canada offers an Autism Awareness for Librarians Course which provides information, communication techniques, and strategies for supporting autistic people and people with intellectual disability. It also presents ideas for increasing a library’s capacity to serve the autism and/or intellectual disability community. This course is free by registering through your library’s federation.

Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute

While based in the U.S., Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) provides workshops from any location. The courses are not library-focused, but there could be a specific situation your library is exploring that makes this resource worth being aware of.

Topics such as Critical Incident Group Debriefing, Managing Mental Health in the Workplace, Restorative Justice, Neurodiversity at Work, Wellness Strategies, De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations, along with strategies for supporting individuals who may be living with mental health disorders, self injury behaviours, suicide and addictions.

For live events, be mindful of the time zone. Rates for a 1-hour session range from $40-50 USD (with early bird rates), while full-day workshops can tip $500 USD.

Homelessness Training

Homelessness Training was established by Ryan Dowd who has provided a series of online courses for libraries that while focusing on serving those experiencing homelessness, has also expanded to one-off recordings on specific patron-related scenarios with a compassion-based focus. For example, “Unattended Children,” “Ornery Teenagers,” “Body Odor,” “Domestic violence / sexual assault in libraries,” “Burnout & Stress,” “Substance Abuse,” “Dementia & Alzheimer’s,” “Jerks with Homes,” and “Mental Illness” in five parts, including a session “In their Own Words” with several courageous people sharing their stories.

Within the course catalogue, click on the headings highlighted in yellow to open the description and pricing, which are typically $49 USD for one seat for a one-hour training, with discounts for multiple seats. Access to the material is for four weeks and includes completion certificates.

The fees are covered and prices do not apply if you register through your library federation (until the end of 2025 unless extended).

Library Leadership (LLEAD)

Library Leadership (LLEAD) is Canadian, and offers a 6-month program combining virtual classes and a 5-day in-person intensive. This program is intended for those in senior library positions to grow their careers, in anticipation of managing high-performing teams. An application is required with two letters of support. Enrolment is limited and fees range from $6000 – $6400 CAD.

Sustainable Libraries Initiative

Sustainable Libraries Initiative is focused on climate action with resources and webinars on offer to cultivate sustainable libraries. Their presentations are often free and in collaboration with WebJunction and appear in those listings simultaneously. Topics have included disaster preparedness, climate justice, climate action programming, etc. Be mindful of the time zone when registering.


AccessibleLibraries has a community events page hosted by the Public Library Accessibility Resource Centre (PLARC) in partnership with NNELS and CELA, which consolidates up-and-coming training (free and for cost) related to accessibility, and includes past events, many of which are recorded.

Bookmark this site for sessions on creating accessible websites, accessible social media, Braille resources, alongside an impressive selection of guides on how to host inclusive programs, create accessible presentations, evaluate accessibility, and more.

Decoda Literacy Solutions

Decoda Literacy Solutions is a BC-based organization, serving literacy practitioners, both public and private sector. They also provide on-going webinars in a train-the-trainer series for Adult Literacy, Digital Literacy, Reading Assessment, etc. Every two years, Decoda hosts a conference on literacy related topics, they produce The Westcoast Reader, and celebrate the annual Family Literacy Week mid-January.

Indigenous Relations Academy

The Indigenous Relations Academy training courses on Indigenous Awareness and Indigenous Relations are accessible to all BC library staff. hese courses offer foundational knowledge about the historical background of indigenous relations in Canada. Students can expect to learn about history, culture and relationships with indigenous people. Please note, students are encouraged to complete the Indigenous Awareness course before Indigenous Relations. 

Alert the Director of your Library Federation for current costs as some Federations will waive or reduce the fees.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) offers educational workshops that can be requested with a recommended donation of $250 for a 2-hour presentation on topics such as the Calls to Action, Colonial systems and impacts, Residential school history, etc. Special events during Truth & Reconciliation Week in September are often recorded, and available on their YouTube channel.