Before the Annual General Meeting, the BCLA Resolutions Committee accepts proposals from individual BCLA members and groups, formulated as resolutions, which are intended to direct the Association to take action or make comments on topical issues.
Resolutions are an important formal mechanism through which BCLA members can make their concerns heard and understood. When a broad range of concerns are shared, it fosters dialogue, promotes awareness, and ultimately enables the BCLA membership to speak with a united voice on issues affecting libraries, library services, and the profession.
The call for resolutions for the 2024 AGM is now closed.
2024-25 Resolutions Committee Members
Tracey Therrien, President
Suzanne Rackover, Incoming President (Chair)
Sajni Lacey
Saara Itkonen
Rina Hadziev (ex officio)
Submitting a Resolution
The Resolutions Committee receives and reviews the resolutions and, if necessary, advises the creator(s) on how to bring resolutions in compliance with BCLA guidelines and policies. If more than one resolution is received on the same issue, the Committee will confer with all parties and recommend a joint resolution.
Sections of the form
#1-3 Provide BCLA members the necessary background and context for the resolution
1. Title of Resolution
2. Rationale / Purpose for Resolution
3. Prior History of this Resolution (if any)
#4 Insert the body of the proposal (the Whereas and the Therefore, Be it Resolved section)
4. Body of the Resolution (Action Proposed)
#5-9 Provide the Committee/Board with information on the mover/seconder and group(s) endorsing the resolution
5. Initiating Individual, Section, Committee, or Interest Group
6. Mover’s Name, Telephone, and Email
7. Seconder’s Name, Telephone, and Email
8. BCLA Sections / Committees / Interest Groups Consulted (if any). Please include a description of the consultation with the Section, Committee, or Interest Group.
9. Endorsement by BCLA Committees / Interest Groups (if any). Please include details about the endorsement process.
#10-13 describe any fiscal or policy implications of the resolution
10. Fiscal Implications (if any)
11. If this resolution necessitates a change in an existing bylaw, identify the current bylaw(s) affected by number, state the change and provide the full text of any amended or new bylaw to be included. See BCLA constitution and by-laws for Constitution and Bylaws.
12. If this resolution conflicts with an existing bylaw, state provisions for resolving the conflict.
13. If this resolution proposes a BCLA position statement, indicate the position’s relation to libraries and library service.
Procedures for Submitting Resolutions: What to Expect
- The Resolutions Committee will prepare, for publication and as appropriate for other general communication (e.g. member email list and BCLA website), a notice of the dates and guidelines for submitting resolutions, and the name and email address of the Chair, or Chair’s representative, to whom resolutions should be sent. BCLA does not take resolutions from the floor of the Annual General Meeting.
- BCLA members in good standing may submit draft resolutions on behalf of a BCLA Section, Committee, Interest Group, or as an individual. The person(s) submitting the draft resolution are referred to as the sponsor(s) of the resolution.
- The Resolutions Committee Chair will circulate all resolutions to Committee members, to the President and the Executive Director of BCLA.
- The Resolutions Committee will ensure the resolution aligns with BCLA Bylaws and falls within the mandate and scope of BCLA’s work and will inform the resolution sponsor(s) of any suggested amendments to clarify the wording and/or intent of resolution. The Chair will also inform the resolution sponsor(s) of any conflict with the objectives of BCLA or with the Constitution and Bylaws of the association. The Resolutions Committee will suggest that multiple resolutions of similar intent be combined as a Joint Resolution, where appropriate.
- A resolution ruled, for any reason, inadmissible by the Resolutions Committee, will not be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for deliberation or vote. Members supporting such a resolution will be advised to follow the established procedures and defer submission to the next meeting. Resolutions may be deemed inadmissible for the following reasons:
- failure to clarify a resolution’s language or intent,
- unresolved conflict with BCLA Constitution and Bylaws,
- considered operational and should be presented in a different format to either the Board President or Executive Director.
- Fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting, the resolutions will be published on the BCLA website and forum for the notice of members. Special resolutions to amend Bylaws must be published 3 weeks in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
- Resolutions will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in the following manner:
- Each resolution will be presented singly at the AGM and will be distributed electronically to all members in good standing 14 days prior to the AGM.
- The Chair of the Resolutions Committee or a specified designate of the Committee will present each resolution in turn.
- It is expected that the sponsor(s) or designate for each resolution will be present at the AGM.
- A motion for substantive changes to each resolution presented at the AGM will not be considered.
- Substantive changes will be referred back to the Resolutions Committee and then to the sponsor(s) of the resolution for further consideration. The resolution may be deferred to the next AGM.
- A resolution will be considered approved when it receives a majority of the votes cast.
- The Resolutions Committee will inform the general membership by publishing all resolutions adopted at each year’s Annual General Meeting on the website in a timely manner.