Friendly Fridays

On the last* Friday of the month at 12pm-12:45pm, an open-invite gathering via Zoom will be offered by BCLA in an effort to build community and create a social space, especially for those who may be isolated, perhaps due to location, community, library system, or field of librarianship, etc. The series is hosted by Natalie Porter, BCLA’s Professional Development Coordinator.

Everyone and anyone working in a BC library is invited to “hang out,” eat their lunch, and join in on the conversation around an article or theme of interest for 45 minutes, or as long as you can stay. If the pilot proves popular, we can opt for Break-out rooms to make the dialogue more manageable and meaningful.

Here are the upcoming dates and suggested articles, and in the registration form, simply select the dates you would like to receive a link and reminder for.

Register Now!
Text reads Friendly Fridays, a BCLA social at 12pm-12:45pm. Image shows three people on a computer screen having a meeting.

We’ll start with brief round-table introductions (where is home base, what are you excited about, what are you finding challenging, and/or just a friendly hello) and then chat it up!

I’m looking forward to seeing your virtual faces!

If you have any accessibility needs to attend this meet-up, please contact Natalie Porter, BCLA Professional Development Coordinator in advance and BCLA will do our best to support you.

BCLA expects anyone attending to honour the Online Community Guidelines, to help create a positive environment that values accountability, respect, and a willingness to learn from each other.

*Some Fridays may not technically be the “last” Friday due to conflict with Stat holiday and conference, etc.