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Read Local BC Book Blast Series

We hope you enjoyed the Read Local BC BookBlast! events this winter and spring. We plan to take a break over the summer and return in the fall with brand new and pre-pub books to celebrate. Stay posted.

If you have any accessibility needs to attend these events, please contact Natalie Porter, BCLA Professional Development Coordinator in advance and BCLA will do our best to support you.

Caucasian person with pink rimmed glasses, high pony tail, blond hair, and purple sweater with leopard print pattern

The intended audience is anyone who provides readers’ advisory, library programming, book selection, marketing, or just simply loves hearing about new books. And thanks to a partnership with the Association of Book Publishers of BC (Books BC), these events are offered free of charge. BC Book Blast! is a collaborative series between BCLA and Read Local BC featuring the very best of BC published books.

Recordings of past BCLA professional development offerings are available on the Continuing Education Resources page.