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Conference Virtual Reboot Series

Every year, BCLA hosts the BC Library Conference and we hear feedback from participants recommending their favourite sessions, wishing their peers could have attended, or realizing that they missed out on a stellar presentation. In the “Conference Virtual Reboot” series, BCLA is inviting a selection of presenters to replicate or reimagine their conference session as a webinar, staggering these events throughout the coming year.

While the entire 2024 in-person conference will not be replicated, we hope that the sessions provided will give a sense of the range of topics that were offered and improve accessibility for those who were unable to attend or for whom in-person conference is not a good fit.

Just like the BC Library Conference, the events in this series will require a registration fee which is based on an equity pricing model.




These online presentations via Zoom include closed captioning. If you have any accessibility needs to attend these sessions, please contact Natalie Porter, BCLA Professional Development Coordinator in advance and BCLA will do our best to support you.

BCLA expects anyone attending to honour the Online Community Guidelines, to help create a positive environment that values accountability, respect, and a willingness to learn from each other.